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Writer's pictureJay Hutton

Cleaning Your Home in Detroit With These Essential Oils

Updated: Oct 26, 2020

Cleaning your home in Detroit sometimes means a quick dusting, a full-on Spring cleaning, or just a weekly maintenance procedure.

Not everyone likes to clean their own homes, so they will often hire a maid service in Detroit. When doing so, we strongly suggest choosing a cleaning service in Detroit that uses enviro-safe products. The less exposure to harsh chemicals, the better.

For those of you who are into enviro-safe products for housecleaning, we want to introduce essential oil combinations that work great for a variety of housecleaning tasks.

History of Essential Oils

The Bubonic Plague years ago in the 1400s the Bubonic plague devastated a large portion of France the plague spread all around the city contracted by many. A band of thieves went around stealing from the sick and the dead. The king heard about the band and order their capture. At that time, stealing was punishable by death but in this case the king ordered to have to capture and brought to him alive. Once captured the band of the thieves was brought to the king who asked “How can you steal from the sick and the dead and not contract the illness?”. The band explained, they put together a combination of essential oils that protected them from the plague. They applied the oil combination to their hands, behind their ears, on the temples and wore mask over their mouth. And that, ladies and gentleman, is the story behind thieves’ oil. Although not every essential oil or oil combination has such an exciting story or one that we believe to be a true story. Essential oils and oil combinations provide a wide range of benefits whether you use them topically or used around the house. Each combination can be prepared and adjusted to fill your needs. For the remainder of this article, we are going to talk about some of the combinations that we found useful and enjoyable and can be used for cleaning your home in Detroit.

Cleaning Your Home in Detroit With These Essential Oils

First, let’s start with the oil from the story, thieves or bandits’ oil. This oil combination consists of clove oil, lemon oil, cinnamon oil, eucalyptus oil, and rosemary oil.

Clove oil is known for his warm soothing scent. It is also used to relieve pain, easing of upset stomach, it has been known for treating infection and even fighting cancer.

Cinnamon oil it is used for stimulating circulation, reducing stress, for protecting against infections and improves.

Rosemary oil it’s another amazing oil. It is believed to help improve brain function, stimulate hair growth, relieve stress, increase circulation, and helps reduce joint inflammation.

Lemon oil aside from smelling great, reduces anxiety, helps with morning sickness, improves skin, relieves pain and heals wounds.

Eucalyptus oil is used to helping cough, clearing chest congestion, soothing cold sores, disinfects wounds and helps relieve join pain.

Doterra’s On Guard.

This blend has all of the ingredients for thieves’ oil and then some. Aside from the oil itself, this brand also carries a number of products from toothpaste, cough drops, hand sanitizer, and cleaner for the home.

Vapor Rub

Eucalyptus oil is probably the most famous. Remember Vick’s Vapor Rub? Yes, eucalyptus oil is one of the ingredients. The scent of this oil is easily recognizable.

Here's the receipt to make your own vapor rub at home:

1/4 cup of coconut oil

1 tablespoon beeswax

10 drops of rosemary

10 drops eucalyptus

5 drops peppermint oil.

Vapor rub recipe is best kept in a glass jar.

Essential oils for the home

All Purpose Cleaner

You can use essential oils for the home. Essential oils can be used for cleaning your home in Detroit, aromatizing, and protecting your home.

For a do it yourself all-purpose cleaner you can use vinegar and lemon oil:

· 1 cup of white vinegar

· 25 drops of lemon oil

· 1 cup of water

In a spray bottle combine all the ingredients. Lemon oils is great for cleaning your home in Detroit, but you can also add any oil or oil combination that has cleaning qualities. Thieves oil would be great in this recipe as it includes oils that have both anti-microbial oils and oils that fight virus.

Wood Polish

When caring for your wooden furniture pieces, we have a recipe for you.

· ¼ Cup Olive Oil

· ¼ Cup of Vinegar

· 10 Drops Wild Orange Essential Oil

You can put this in a spray bottle and follow your cleaning routine as usual. Shake well before every use.

Oil Diffuser

Fill your home with nice scents. Diffusing oils have aromatic & therapeutic qualities. Choose from oils that promote anything from more energy to relaxation.

Lavender oil is known for aiding in relaxation. It is used to treat anxiety, insomnia, & depression.

Not ready to jump on the oils train yet? If for no other reason, by switching to essential oils from conventional cleaners, is a good way to start reducing the use of chemicals that can be harmful to the health and the planet. By using alternative, natural products can benefit your health and help the environment while you are at it.

If you’re looking for help cleaning your home in Detroit, please do not hesitate to contact us today or book an appointment online.

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